You can use two approaches:
1.Use Static methods
You cannot use controller2 instance methods here
public class controller2
public static string method2(string parameter1, string parameter2) {
// put your static code in here
return parameter1+parameter2;
In a separate class file call method2()
// this is your page controller
public class controller1
public void method1() {
string returnValue = controller2.method2('Hi ','there');
2.Create an instance of the other class
public class controller2
private int count;
public controller2(integer c)
count = c;
public string method2(string parameter1, string parameter2) {
// put your static code in here
return parameter1+parameter2+count;
public class controller1
public void method1()
controller2 con2 = new controller2(0);
string returnValue = con2.method2('Hi ','there');
If your methods are in a package with a namespace
string returnValue = mynamespace.controller2.method2();
public class ClassA {
public list<Account> method1(){
List<Account> lstacc = [SELECT Id,Name from Account];
return lstacc;
public class ClassB {
ClassA ca = new ClassA();
List<Account> acc = ca.method1();
public static list<Contact> method2(List<Account> accountList){
List<Contact> lstcon = [SELECT Id,LastName from Contact WHERE accountId IN: accountList];
SYstem.debug('List of contact--->'+ lstcon);
return lstcon;