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Friday, 26 February 2021

Call a method of one class in another class : APEX : Salesforce

 You can use two approaches:

1.Use Static methods

You cannot use controller2 instance methods here

public class controller2 
    public static string method2(string parameter1, string parameter2) {
        // put your static code in here            
        return parameter1+parameter2;

In a separate class file call method2()

// this is your page controller
public class controller1
    public void method1() {
        string returnValue = controller2.method2('Hi ','there');

2.Create an instance of the other class

public class controller2 
    private int count;
    public controller2(integer c) 
        count = c;

    public string method2(string parameter1, string parameter2) {
        // put your static code in here            
        return parameter1+parameter2+count;

public class controller1
    public void method1() 
        controller2 con2 = new controller2(0);
        string returnValue = con2.method2('Hi ','there');

If your methods are in a package with a namespace

string returnValue = mynamespace.controller2.method2();

public class ClassA {

    public list<Account> method1(){
        List<Account> lstacc = [SELECT Id,Name from Account];
    	return lstacc;

public class ClassB {
    ClassA ca = new ClassA();
    List<Account> acc = ca.method1();
    public static list<Contact> method2(List<Account> accountList){
        List<Contact> lstcon = [SELECT Id,LastName from Contact WHERE accountId IN: accountList];
        SYstem.debug('List of contact--->'+ lstcon);
        return lstcon;

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Events/Tasks : Open Activities/Activity History

 There are actually four relationships for activities: 





The two real objects are Tasks and Events

OpenActivities show open tasks and events today or in the future.

ActivityHistories shows closed tasks and events before today (in the past). 

When you want to show the history or future activity of a record, you use the two "hybrid" objects

When you want to create a real task or event, you use the two real objects (They'll automatically appear in the appropriate hybrid relationship).