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Friday, 30 August 2013

Standard Objects in Salesforce

Object Description
Account An individual account, which is an organization involved with your business (such as customers, competitors, and partners).
AccountContactRole The role that a given Contact plays on an Account.
AccountFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for an account record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
AccountHistory Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields of an account. This object is available in versions 11.0 and later.
AccountOwnerSharingRule A rule that grants access to an account to users other than the owner.
AccountPartner A relationship between two Account objects, such as partnerships or subsidiaries.
AccountShare A sharing entry on an Account.
AccountTag Associates a word or short phrase with an Account.
AccountTeamMember A User who is a member of an Account team.
AccountTerritoryAssignmentRule A rule that assigns accounts to territories.
AccountTerritoryAssignmentRuleItem A field-specific criteria row for an AccountTerritoryAssignmentRule.
AccountTerritorySharingRule Rules for sharing an account within a territory.
ActivityHistory Information about tasks and events related to an object.
AdditionalNumber An additional phone number for a CallCenter.
ApexClass Represents an Apex class.
ApexComponent A Visualforce custom component that can be used in a Visualforce page alongside standard components such as<apex:relatedList> and <apex:dataTable>.
ApexLog A debug log, containing information about a transaction, including information about Apex, Visualforce, workflow and validation rules. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later.
ApexPage A Visualforce page, containing Visualforce markup, HTML, Javascript, and other Web-enabled code.
ApexTestQueueItem Represents a single Apex class in the Apex job queue. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later.
ApexTestResult Represents the result of an Apex test method execution. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later.
ApexTrigger Represents an Apex trigger.
Approval An approval request for a Contract.
Article Type__DataCategorySelection A data category selection represents a data category that classifies an article. This object can be used to associate an article with data categories from a data category group or to query the category selections for an article. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later.
Article Type__Feed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for an article.

This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
Asset An asset (such as product previously sold and installed) owned by an Account or Contact.
AssetFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for an asset record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
AssetTag Associates a word or short phrase with an Asset.
AssignmentRule An assignment rule associated with a Case or Lead.
AsyncApexJob Represents an individual Apex sharing recalculation job, a batch Apex job, or method with the future annotation.
Attachment A file that a User has uploaded and attached to a parent object.
Bookmark A link between two opportunities.
BrandTemplate Letterhead for email templates.
BusinessHours Specifies the business hours of your support organization. Escalation rules are run only during these hours.
BusinessProcess A business process.
CallCenter A single computer-telephony integration (CTI) system instance in an organization.
Campaign A marketing campaign, such as a direct mail promotion, webinar, or trade show.
CampaignFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for a campaign record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
CampaignMember The association between a Campaign and either a Lead or Contact.
CampaignMemberStatus A status value associated with a Campaign.
CampaignOwnerSharingRule Represents the rules for sharing a Campaign with User records other than the owner.
CampaignShare Represents a list of access levels to a Campaign along with an explanation of the access level. For example, if you have access to a record because you own it, the Access Level value is Full and Reason for Access value isOwner.
CampaignTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Campaign.
Case A customer issue such as a customer’s feedback, problem, or question.
CaseArticle Represents the association between a Case and a KnowledgeArticle. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
CaseComment A comment that provides additional information about the associated Case.
CaseContactRole The role that a given Contact plays on a Case.
CaseFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for a case record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
CaseHistory Historical information about changes that have been made to the associated Case.
CaseMilestone Represents a milestone (required step in a customer support process) on a Case. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
CaseOwnerSharingRule A rule that grants access to a case to users other than the owner.
CaseShare A sharing entry on a Case.
CaseSolution The association between a particular Case and a particular Solution.
CaseStatus The status of a Case, such as New, On hold, In Process, and so on.
CaseTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Case
CaseTeamMember Represents a case team member, who works with a team of other users to help resolve a case.
CaseTeamRole Represents a case team role. Every case team member has a role on a case, such as “Customer Contact” or “Case Manager.”
CaseTeamTemplate Represents a predefined case team, which is a group of users that helps resolve a case.
CaseTeamTemplateMember Represents a member on a predefined case team, which is a group of users that helps resolve cases.
CaseTeamTemplateRecord The CaseTeamTemplateRecord object is a linking object between the Case and CaseTeamTemplate objects. To assign a predefined case team to a case (customer inquiry), create a CaseTeamTemplateRecord record and point the ParentId to the case and the TeamTemplateId to the predefined case team.
CategoryData A logical grouping of Solution records.
CategoryNode A tree of Solution categories.
CategoryNodeLocalization The translated value of the label for a category.
ChatterActivity ChatterActivity represents the number of posts and comments made by a user and the number of comments and likes on posts and comments received by the same user. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later.
ChatterAnswersActivity Represents the reputation of a User in Chatter Answers communities. This object is available in API version 25.0 and later.
ChatterAnswersReputationLevel Represents a reputation level within a Chatter Answers community. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later.
ChatterConversation Represents a private conversation in Chatter, consisting of messages that conversation members have sent or received. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later.
ChatterConversationMember Represents a member of a private conversation in Chatter. A member has either sent messages to or received messages from other conversation participants. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later.
ChatterMessage Represents a message sent as part of a private conversation in Chatter. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later.
CollaborationGroup Represents a Chatter group. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later.
CollaborationGroupFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on a Chatter group detail page. A group feed shows posts and comments about the group. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later.
CollaborationGroupMember Represents a member of a Chatter group. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later.
CollaborationGroupMemberRequest Represents a request to join a private Chatter group.
CollaborationInvitation Represents an invitation to join Chatter, either directly or through a group. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later.
Community Represents a community within Ideas.
Contact A contact, which is an individual associated with an Account.
ContactFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for a contact record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
ContactHistory Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields of a contact. This object is available in versions 11.0 and later.
ContactOwnerSharingRule Represents the rules for sharing a contact with User records other than the owner.
ContactShare Represents a list of access levels to a Contact along with an explanation of the access level. For example, if you have access to a record because you own it, the Access Level value is Full and Reason for Access value isOwner.
ContactTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Contact.
ContentDocument Represents a document that has been uploaded to a library in Salesforce CRM Content.
ContentDocumentFeed Represents a single feed item associated with ContentDocument.
ContentDocumentHistory Represents the history of a document in Salesforce CRM Content.
ContentDocumentLink Represents the link between a Salesforce CRM Content document or Chatter file and where it's shared. A file can be shared with other users, Chatter groups, records, and Salesforce CRM Content libraries.
ContentVersion Represents a specific version of a document in Salesforce CRM Content.
ContentVersionHistory Represents the history of a specific version of a document in Salesforce CRM Content.
ContentWorkspace Represents a public library in Salesforce CRM Content.
ContentWorkspaceDoc Represents a link between a document and a library in Salesforce CRM Content.
Contract A contract (a business agreement) associated with an Account.
ContractContactRole The role that a given Contact plays on a Contract.
ContractFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for a contract record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
ContractHistory Information about changes to a contract.
ContractLineItem Represents a Product2 in a ServiceContract (customer support agreement). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
ContractLineItemHistory Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields on a ContractLineItem (items in a customer support agreement). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
ContractStatus The status of a Contract, such as Draft, In Approval, Activated, Terminated, or Expired.
ContractTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Contract.
CronTrigger Represents a scheduled Apex job, similar to a cron job on UNIX systems. This object is available in API version 17.0 and later.
CurrencyType The currencies used by an organization for which the multicurrency feature is enabled.
Custom Object__Feed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for a custom object. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
DandBCompany Represents a D&B Company record, which is associated with an account. This object is available in API version 25.0 and later.
Dashboard Represents a dashboard, which shows data from custom reports as visual components. Access is read-only. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
DashboardComponent Represents a dashboard component, which can be a chart, metric, table, or gauge on a dashboard. Access is read-only. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later.
DashboardComponentFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on a dashboard component. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later.
DashboardFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on a dashboard. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
DashboardTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Dashboard. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
DatedConversionRate The effective dated exchange rates used by an organization for which advanced currency management is enabled.
Division A logical segment of your organization’s data. Available only if the organization has the Division permission enabled.
DivisionLocalization The translated value of a label for a division.
Document A file that a user has uploaded. Unlike Attachment objects, Documents are not attached to a parent object.
DocumentAttachmentMap Maps the relationship between an EmailTemplate and its attachment, which is stored as a Document.
DocumentTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Document.
EmailMessage An email message related to Email-to-Case.
EmailServicesAddress An email service address.
EmailServicesFunction An email service.
EmailStatus The status of an email sent via Salesforce.
EmailTemplate A template for sending email via Salesforce.
Entitlement Represents the customer support an Account or Contact is eligible to receive. Entitlements may be based on an Asset, Product2, or ServiceContract. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
EntitlementContact Represents a Contact eligible to receive customer support via an Entitlement. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
EntitlementFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for an entitlement. An entitlement feed shows recent changes to an entitlement record for any fields that are tracked in feeds, as well as comments and posts about the record. This object is available in API version 23.0 and later.
EntitlementHistory Represents the changes to field values on an Entitlement. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
EntitlementTemplate Represents predefined terms of customer support for a product (Product2). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
EntityHistory Removed as of 8.0. Use the history object corresponding to the object you are working with.
EntitySubscription Represents a subscription for a user following a record or another user. This object is available in versions 18.0 and later.
Event A calendar appointment event.
EventRelation A person (User, Contact, or Lead) who has been invited to attend an Event, or a scheduled resource (such as a conference room) associated with the event.
EventFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed on an Event. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
EventTag Associates a word or short phrase with an Event.
ExternalDataSource Represents an external data source, such as SharePoint®. This object is available in API version 27 and later.
ExternalDataUserAuth Stores authentication settings required for a specific user and external data source, such as SharePoint®. This object is available in API version 27 and later.
FeedComment Represents a comment added to a feed by a user. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
FeedItem FeedItem represents an entry in the feed, such as changes in a record feed, including text posts, link posts, and content posts. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later.
FeedLike Indicates that a user has liked a feed item. This object is available in API version 21.0 and later.
FeedPost FeedPost represents the following types of changes in a record feed, such as AccountFeed: text posts, link posts, and content posts. This object is available in API version 18.0 through 21.0. FeedPost is no longer available in later versions. Starting with API version 21.0, use FeedItem to represent text posts, link posts, and content posts in feeds.
FeedTrackedChange Represents an individual field change or set of field changes. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
FieldPermissions Represents the enabled field permissions for the parent PermissionSet. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later.
FiscalYearSettings Fiscal year settings.
Folder A repository for a Document, MailmergeTemplate, email template, or report. Only one type of item can be contained in a particular Folder.
ForecastingAdjustment This object represents an individual user’s adjustment for a subordinate’s forecast via a ForecastingItem. Available in API versions 26 and greater.
ForecastingFact This is a read-only object linking a ForecastingItem with its opportunities, such as opportunities that share the same owner or forecast category and have a closing date within the period of the forecasting item. Available in API versions 26 and greater.
ForecastingItem This is a read-only object used for individual forecast amounts. Users see amounts based on their perspectives and forecast roles. The amounts users see include one of the following: AmountWithoutAdjustments, AmountWithoutManagerAdjustment, ForecastAmount, OwnerOnlyAmount.
ForecastingQuota This object represents an individual user’s quota for a specified time period.
ForecastShare Represents a sharing entry of a forecast at a given role and territory.
Group A set of User records.
GroupMember A User or Group that is a member of a public group.
HashtagDefinition HashtagDefinition represents hashtag (#) topics in public Chatter posts and comments. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later.
Holiday Represents a period of time during which your customer support team is unavailable. Business hours and escalation rules associated with business hours are suspended during any holidays with which they are affiliated.
Idea Represents an idea on which users are allowed to comment and vote, for example, a suggestion for an enhancement to an existing product or process.
IdeaComment Represents a comment that a user has submitted in response to an idea.
IdeaTheme Represents an invitation to community members to submit ideas that are focused on a specific topic. This object is available in API version 27.0 and later.
KnowledgeArticle Provides read-only access to an article and the ability to delete the master article. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later.
KnowledgeArticleVersion Provides a global view of standard article fields across all article types depending on their version. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
KnowledgeArticleVersionHistory Enables read-only access to the full history of an article.This object is available in API version 25.0 and later.
KnowledgeArticleViewStat Provides statistics on the number of views for the specified article across all article types. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
KnowledgeArticleVoteStat Provides the weighted rating for the specified article on a scale of 1 to 5 across all article types. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
Lead A lead, which is a prospect or potential Opportunity.
LeadFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for a lead record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
LeadHistory Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields of a lead.
LeadOwnerSharingRule Rules that assign an owner to a lead.
LeadShare A sharing entry on a Lead.
LeadStatus The status of a Lead, such as Open, Qualified, or Converted.
LeadTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Lead.
LineitemOverride Customizable forecast data for an opportunity line item.
LoginHistory Represents the login history for all successful and failed login attempts for organizations and enabled portals.This object is available in API version 21.0 and later.
MailmergeTemplate A mail merge template (a Microsoft Word document) used for performing mail merges for your organization.
MilestoneType Represents a milestone (required step in a customer support process). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
Name Non-queryable object that provides information about foreign key traversals when the foreign key has more than one parent.
Network Represents a community which is a customizable public or private space where employees, end-customers, and partners can collaborate on best practices and business processes. Communities give you the opportunity to share information, records, and files with coworkers and related external stakeholders all in one place. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later.
NetworkMember Represents a member of a community. Members can be either users in your company or external users with portal profiles. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later.
NetworkProfile Represents a profile in a community. An administrator adds members to a community by adding a profile.
NewsFeed Represents a single feed item on a user's home tab. A Chatter feed shows recent changes to records that the user is following. NewsFeed is available in API version 18.0 through API version 26.0. In API version 27.0 and later, NewsFeed is no longer available in the SOAP API.
Note A note, which is text associated with an Attachment, Contact, Contract, Opportunity, or custom object.
NoteAndAttachment Information about the notes and attachments for an object.
NoteTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Note.
ObjectPermissions Represents the enabled object permissions for the parent PermissionSet. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later.
OpenActivity Information about the open tasks and events for an object.
Opportunity An opportunity, which is a sale or pending deal.
OpportunityCompetitor A competitor on an Opportunity.
OpportunityContactRole The role that a Contact plays on an Opportunity.
OpportunityFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for an opportunity record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
OpportunityFieldHistory The history of changes to the field values of an Opportunity. This object is available in versions 13.0 and later.
OpportunityHistory The stage history of an Opportunity.
OpportunityLineItem An opportunity line item, which is a member of the list of Product2 records associated with an Opportunity, along with other information about those products on that opportunity.
OpportunityLineItemSchedule Information about the quantity, revenue distribution, and delivery dates for a particular OpportunityLineItem.
OpportunityOverride Customizable forecast data for an opportunity.
OpportunityOwnerSharingRule A rule that grants access to an opportunity to users other than the owner.
OpportunityPartner A partner relationship between an Account and an Opportunity.
OpportunityShare A sharing entry on an Opportunity.
OpportunityStage The stage of an Opportunity in the sales pipeline, such as New Lead, Negotiating, Pending, Closed, and so on.
OpportunityTag Associates a word or short phrase with an Opportunity.
OpportunityTeamMember An individual User on the opportunity team of a particular Opportunity.
Organization A business, company, or other organization.
OrgWideEmailAddress Represents an organization-wide email address for user profiles.
Partner The association between two particular accounts or between a particular Opportunity and an Account.
PartnerNetworkConnection A connection in Salesforce to Salesforce.
PartnerNetworkRecordConnection A record that is shared with a connection using Salesforce to Salesforce.
PartnerRole A role for an account Partner, such as a consultant or supplier.
Period A fiscal period.
PermissionSet A set of permissions that's used to grant additional permissions to one or more users without changing their profile. This object is available in API version 22.0 and later.
PermissionSetAssignment Represents the association between a User and a PermissionSet. This object is available in API version 22.0 and later.
Pricebook2 A price book that contains the list of products (Product2 records) that your organization sells.
PricebookEntry A product entry (an association between a Pricebook2 and Product2) in a price book.
ProcessInstance An instance of a single, end-to-end approval chain.
ProcessInstanceHistory History of changes to a process instance.
ProcessInstanceStep One step in an approval workflow process instance.
ProcessInstanceWorkitem A pending approval request to a specific user.
Product2 A product that your organization sells. A product is member of the list of items in a Pricebook2.
Product2Feed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for a product record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
ProductEntitlementTemplate Represents predefined terms of customer support (Entitlement) that users can add to products (Product2).
Profile A profile, which defines a set of user permissions for performing different operations, such as querying, adding, updating, or deleting information.
PushTopic Represents a query that is the basis for notifying listeners of changes to records in an organization.
QuantityForecast A quantity-based customizable forecast.
QuantityForecastHistory Historical information about a quantity-based customizable forecast.
Question Represents a question in an answers community that users can view and reply to.
QuestionDataCategorySelection A data category selection represents a data category that classifies a question. This object can be used to associate a question with a data category from a data category group or to query the categorization for a question. It is available in API version 19.0 and later.
QuestionReportAbuse Represents a user-reported abuse on a Question in a Chatter Answers community. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later.
QuestionSubscription Represents a subscription for a user following a Question. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later.
QueueSobject Associates sObject records with a specified queue.
Quote Represents a quote, which is a record showing proposed prices for products and services. Quotes can be created from and synced with opportunities, and emailed as PDFs to customer. Available in API version 18.0 and later.
QuoteDocument Represents a Quote in document format. Available in API version 18.0 and later.
QuoteLineItem Represents a quote line item, which is a member of the list of Product2 products associated with a Quote, along with other information about those line items on that quote. Available in API version 18.0 and later.
RecordType A record type.
RecordTypeLocalization The translated value of a label for a record type.
Reply Represents a reply that a user has submitted to a question in an answers community.
ReplyReportAbuse Represents a user-reported abuse on a Reply in a Chatter Answers community. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later.
Report Represents a report, a set of data that meets certain criteria, displayed in an organized way. Access is read-only. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
ReportFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on a report. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
ReportTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Report. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
RevenueForecast A revenue-based customizable forecast.
RevenueForecastHistory Historical information about a revenue-based customizable forecast.
Scontrol A custom s-control, which is custom content that is hosted by the system but executed by the client application.
ScontrolLocalization The translated value of the field label for an s-control.
SelfServiceUser A Contact who has been enabled to use your organization’s Self-Service portal, where he or she can obtain online support.
ServiceContract Represents a customer support contract (business agreement). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
ServiceContractFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for a service contract record. A service contract feed shows recent changes to a service contract for any fields that are tracked in feeds, as well as comments and posts about the record.This object is available in API version 23.0 and later.
ServiceContractHistory Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields on a ServiceContract (customer support agreement). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
ServiceContractOwnerSharingRule Represents the rules for sharing a ServiceContract (customer service agreement) with users other than the owner. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
ServiceContractShare Represents a sharing entry on a ServiceContract (customer support agreement). This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
SetupEntityAccess Represents the enabled setup entity access settings (such as for Apex classes) for the parent PermissionSet. This object is available in API version 25.0 and later.
SignupRequest Represents a request for a new Trialforce signup. This object is available in API version 27.0 and later.
Site Represents a public website that is integrated with an Organization. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. To access this object, Sites or must be enabled for your organization.
SiteHistory Represents the history of changes to the values in the fields of a site.This object is available in API version 18.0 and later. To access this object, Sites or must be enabled for your organization.
SlaProcess Represents an entitlement process associated with an Entitlement. This object is available in API version 19.0 and later.
Solution A detailed description of a customer issue and the resolution of that issue.
SolutionFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on the detail page for a solution record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
SolutionHistory History of changes to a solution.
SolutionStatus The status of a Solution, such as Draft, Reviewed, and so on.
SolutionTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Solution.
StaticResource A static resource that can be used in Visualforce markup.
TagDefinition Defines the attributes of child Tag objects.
Task An activity or to-do item to perform or that has been performed.
TaskFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed on an Task. This object is available in API version 20.0 and later.
TaskPriority The priority (importance) of a Task, such as High, Normal, or Low.
TaskRelation Shared Activities tasks can have up to 11 relationships: 10 Contacts and one other relationship to Account, Asset, Campaign, Case, Contract, Opportunity, Product, Solution, or custom object; or 10 Contacts or one Lead. TaskRelation represents this relationship.
TaskStatus The status of a Task, such as Not Started, Completed, or Closed.
TaskTag Associates a word or short phrase with a Task.
Territory A territory to which users and accounts are assigned.
User A user in your organization.
UserAccountTeamMember A single User on the default account team of another user.
UserFeed Represents a single feed item in the feed displayed on a Chatter user profile feed. A user profile feed shows changes to a user record for fields that are tracked in feeds, as well as posts and comments about the record. This object is available in API version 18.0 and later.
UserLicense A user license in your organization.
UserMembershipSharingRule Represents the rules for sharing user records from a source group to a target group. Users who are members of the source group can be shared with members of the target group.
UserPreference A functional preference for a user in your organization.
UserProfileFeed Represents a user profile feed, which tracks all actions by a user on records that can be tracked in a feed. This feed is displayed on the user profile page. UserProfileFeed is available in API version 18.0 through API 26.0. In API version 27.0 and later, UserProfileFeed is no longer available in the SOAP API.
UserRecordAccess Represents a user’s access to a set of records. This object is available in API version 24.0 and later.
UserRole A role in your organization.
UserShare Represents a sharing entry on a user record. This object is available in API version 26.0 and later.
UserTeamMember A single User on the default opportunity team of another user.
UserTerritory A single user who has been assigned to a territory.
Vote Represents a vote that a user has made on an Idea or a Reply.
WebLink A Web link to an URL or Scontrol.
WebLinkLocalization The translated value of the field label for a custom link to a URL or s-control.